• The Patriot Scholarship is a Louisiana law passed in 2023 to work in conjunction with the State Tuition Exemption Program (STEP) to help Louisiana Army and Air National Guardsmen work towards an undergraduate degree and Graduate Debt Free.
  • The Patriot Scholarship covers mandatory fees towards an undergraduate degree at Louisiana public institutions of higher learning. Your mandatory fees may vary depending on the number of hours enrolled, but Patriot Scholarship will scale to meet them.
  • Mandatory fees may vary between institutions. Mandatory fees are charged to all students within the institution as a requirement for attendance and are not waivable. If a fee is specific to a single program, it is likely not considered a mandatory fee. See your school’s Financial Aid/Scholarship/Bursar’s Office for more information.
  • All Louisiana Army and Air National Guard members became eligible for the Patriot Scholarship when the law went into effect on 01 August 2023. To use this benefit, the process is similar to STEP. Your school will have a list of all members eligible for STEP and the Patriot Scholarship. If you are on the list, you are signed up. If you are not on the list, you can contact the LANG Education Services Office and then can help you prove eligibility. Contact info can be found at:
  • You must be a member in good standing with the Louisiana National Guard.
  • You must be eligible for STEP.
  • You must not have used the Patriot Scholarship for more than 12 semesters or 16 quarters.
  • Sufficient funds must have been appropriated by the Louisiana legislature for the Patriot Scholarship.
  • See the Memorandum of Understanding (dated 15 July 2023) signed as part of your enlistment/reenlistment contract for more information.
  • You can lose eligibility if you get put on academic probation at your school, or if your Unit Commander flags you. Once you fix either issue, you regain your eligibility. The school determines the rules for Academic Probation. The Unit Commander in accordance with Army/Air Force regulations determine requirements for flagging Service Members and for removing flags.
  • The Patriot Scholarship lasts 4 Academic Years. This is defined as 12 semesters or 16 quarters. There is no limit to the number of hours the Patriot Scholarship will cover during a semester/quarter. The Patriot Scholarship is not prorated, so if you are not a full-time student, you are still using a full period of eligibility.
  • You can take breaks between academic sessions at any time and retain your eligibility.
  • The Patriot Scholarship specifically covers mandatory fees and nothing else. It is not a monetary award that can be used towards other costs. By rule, LOSFA first applies STEP to your tuition bill. Next, LOSFA applies the Patriot Scholarship to any mandatory fees. Any other remaining awards or scholarship money will be managed by the details of that particular instrument. It is possible that other forms of financial aid may be applied as a credit to the student’s account once all charges have been paid. See your institutions Financial Aid/Scholarship/Bursar’s Office for more information.
  • Yes, but speak to the LANG Education Services Office to ensure you spend your entitlements wisely. They can help you tailor your education benefits to ensure you gain the maximum benefit for the degree plan you are considering. Contact info can be found at:
  • Not if you successfully complete the academic term and remain a member in good standing with the Louisiana National Guard. If you fall out of good standing with your school or National Guard unit, the school may initiate recoupment. The Louisiana National Guard does not initiate or control the recoupment process. In the event recoupment occurs, you must deal with your school directly.
  • If your classes start after 01 August 2023, the Patriot Scholarship covers mandatory fees. As soon as possible, speak with both the Financial Aid/Scholarship/Bursar’s Office at your school and the LANG Education Services Office to resolve the issue. Contact info can be found at: Your school should be able to submit your scholarship request and credit your account once the money is received. Each school will have a different process, so be thorough but patient as the process is worked out the inaugural semester.
  • The Patriot Scholarship is for the sole use of the service member.
  • Yes, if that trade school is a Louisiana public postsecondary education institution. Speak with the LANG Education Services Office for more information. Contact info can be found at:
  • You may still use the Patriot Scholarship towards a second undergraduate degree/certificate. Once you begin using the Patriot Scholarship, eligibility terminates upon exhaustion of academic periods or the acceptance of a Bachelor’s degree, whichever comes first.
  • You must be enrolled in an undergraduate program to use the Patriot Scholarship; however, if a graduate course is required/accepted as part of that undergraduate program, the Patriot Scholarship will apply.
  • All Louisiana public institutions of higher learning are notified of the changes in the law. In addition, each school has a good working relationship with the LANG Education Services Office. If you have problems proving eligibility, reach out to the LANG Education Services Office for support at: