


JFHQ-LA supports command and control of all assigned Army and Air National Guard forces. In accordance with policies and procedures established by the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Air Force, JFHQ-LA will establish the capability to provide one or more joint task force command elements able to exercise command and control of Homeland Defense, defense support to civil authorities, and other domestic emergency missions in a state active duty Title 32 or Title 10 status. In addition, JFHQ-LA provides expertise and situational awareness to DoD authorities to facilitate integration of federal and state activities.

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Louisiana Guardsmen continually come to the assistance of fellow citizens during floods and hurricanes. Guardsmen evacuated citizens and patrolled levees during the great flood of 1927 and have served in every hurricane disaster since. When the levees broke and New Orleans flooded in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Louisiana Guardsmen rescued stranded people and provided security while helping communities on the road to recovery.

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We envision the Louisiana National Guard as a proud, ready, values based organization that adapts to State, Community, and Federal missions providing a professional response in a changing environment.

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Louisiana National Guard’s Youth Programs are multifaceted programs that aims to help at-risk adolescents achieve their education and become productive and responsible members of society.

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The mission of the Louisiana National Guard Counterdrug Task Force is to provide highly skilled personnel, specialized equipment, and facilities as requested by Law Enforcement Agencies and Community Based Organizations in response to a changing drug threat.

We, the Soldiers and Airmen of the Louisiana National Guard Counterdrug Task Force, will become the catalysts for synchronized cooperation between and among federal, state, and local agencies across the full spectrum of counterdrug homeland defense operations. By leveraging our unique military capabilities, national resources, and community focus we will play a central role in shaping our nation’s response to drug and associated transnational security threats.

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