Emergency Management

Purpose: The National Guard (NG) Emergency Management (EM) program is responsible for all activities and operations related to preparing for, mitigating the potential effect of, preventing, responding to, and recovering from all multi-agency and/or multi- jurisdictional emergencies on or impacting NG installations nationwide. The NG EM Program functions within an all-hazards environment consisting of all natural, technological (man-made), and terrorism hazards.


Vision: To provide the NG EM services when and where they are needed with the joint and interagency capacity necessary to effectively and efficiently protect the NG community and mission capabilities from all hazards.


Mission: To provide integrated and comprehensive NG EM services necessary to protect our community and mission capabilities from all hazards in a cost effective, implementable, and sustainable manner through resiliency.

Emergency Mangement Bulletins

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Fire/Police/Ambulance Please Call 911


AgencyPhone Number
LA National Guard Joint Operation Center 1 (888) 278-8748
GOHSEP (225) 925-7500

American Red Cross

1 (800) 733-2767
Federal Emergency Management Agency1 (800) 621-3362
National Poison Control Center1 (800) 222-1222
National Domestic Violence Hotline1 (800) 799-7233
Suicide Hotline1 (800) 784-2433


Emergency Management Contacts




InstallationPoint of ContactPhone Number
EMPCMr. Michael Green(504) 278-8031
Training Center Pineville1LT Damilola Babalola(318) 290-5869
Camp MindenCPT Jason Medcalf(318) 299-4151
Gillis W. Long CenterMr. Christopher Letendre(225) 319-4693
Jackson BarracksPeter Knight(504) 278-8011