
CSM Marc Lua

Deputy Commandant

1SG Josue Fonseca


1st BN NCOA, 199th Regiment (RTI-LA) is a Multi-Component Cadre Basic Leader Course (MCC-BLC) supporting the One Army School System (OASS), providing institutional training directed within the Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System (NCOPDS) based on collective requirements identified by TRADOC, NCOL CoE, The U.S. Army, The Army National Guard, and The Army Reserve.


1ST BN NCOA, MCC-BLC provides a challenging learning environment to develop competent and adaptive junior NCOs through small group facilitation that encourages team building and junior leader development capable of operating in a multi-domain environment. 


1st BN NCOA Staff and Cadre will “Lead by Example” upholding the Army Values to enhance leader development by utilizing the Experiential Learning Model and providing a rigorous, challenging academic environment and practical exercise experiences, while treating students with respect, dignity, and professional courtesy that are the foundation of Army Leadership.

For more information on

BLC, please use Link or QR Code Below

(318) 290-6114 Staff Duty

Camp Cook

6030 Monroe HWY Ball, LA 71405

  2022 AUG 02