La. National Guard ready to respond as Karen approaches

LogoNEW ORLEANS – Declaring a state of emergency, Governor Bobby Jindal has authorized the mobilization of 650 Guardsmen to state active duty to respond to Tropical Storm Karen as needed.


Additionally, Maj. Gen. Glenn H. Curtis, adjutant general of the LANG, has directed the recall of up to 520 Louisiana National Guard technicians from furlough to support this emergency. The LANG has more than 7,000 Soldiers and Airmen ready to support our citizens, and local and state authorities if needed during this emergency.


Today, the LANG is preparing to mobilize search and rescue assets, communications teams, security forces, and deploy National Guard Liaisons to parish emergency operations centers in the storm warning areas. Commodities distribution personnel are being mobilized, while emergency commodities, such as water and MREs, are presently staged in warehouses ready to be utilized and distributed as required for emergency relief operations following the potential impact of the storm.


The LANG is in direct coordination with the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), as well as other state and local agencies, to anticipate any possible emergency requirements and support that the storm may generate.


As the storm develops over the next 24 hours, the LANG will continue its planning and preparations while staging personnel and resources as necessary.


Louisiana National Guardsmen are trained, ready and equipped to stand up at any moment to protect lives and property, maintain communications and ensure the continuity of operations and government.