Louisiana National Guard Freedom of Information (FOIA) Request
To Submit Louisiana Air National Guard (ANG) Freedom of Information (FOIA) request:
Air National Guard FOIA requests are not processed by Louisiana Air National Guard Personnel. All requests are forwarded to the Air National Guard FOIA Office in Arlington, VA. The Air Force has established a centralized Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) website for submitting requests online.
All requests for ANG records, except Inspector General Records, are processed by one office. Click on the following AF eFOIA Public Access Link (PAL): https://efoia.cce.af.mil/app/Home.aspx
Once there, we recommend you review all the links listed on the left side as they have been designed to provide information and guidance. In your request, please indicate the state/Wing that you are seeking records from.
If you prefer not to use our automated system, you may also make your request to: Air National Guard FOIA ATTN: NGB-JA/OIP 111 South George Mason Drive, AH2 Arlington VA 22204-1373 Phone: (571) 256-7838 or (703) 607-5901 Fax: (703) 607-3684 Email: FOIA@ng.army.mil.
How to submit a Louisiana Army National Guard (ARNG) Freedom of Information (FOIA) request:
To submit a request under FOIA, label your request “Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).” In your letter you must state your willingness to pay applicable fees. To ensure the proper processing of your request, describe the specific records you are requesting in sufficient detail so that we can locate the information requested in a reasonable amount of effort and time.
FOIA Request must be in writing via email or mailed to address below:
6400 St. Claude Ave.
New Orleans, La. 70117
Email: Ng.la.laarng.mbx.foia-pa-mailbox@army.mil
Office: 504-278-8713
Louisiana National Guard Privacy Act Request
To submit a Louisiana Air National Guard (ANG) Privacy Act (PA) request refer to Privacy Act Request (af.mil)
To submit a Louisiana Army National Guard (ARNG) Privacy Act (PA) request:
To submit a Privacy Act request, label your request “Privacy Act (PA) Request.” To ensure the proper processing of your request, describe the specific records you are requesting in sufficient detail so that we can locate the information requested in a reasonable amount of effort and time.
Paragraph 3-1, Army Regulation 340-21, Disclosure without consent. Individual’s home addresses / telephone numbers will not be disclosed without prior written permission of the individual (s) involved.
Paragraph 3-3, Army Regulation 340-21, Disclosure to third parties.
Personal information that may be disclosed under the FOIA / PA is as follows:
Military Personnel:
Name, rank, date or rank, base pay, special pay (not BAQ or VHA), present and past duty assignments that are officially established, office or duty telephone number, source of commission, promotion decorations, military and civilian decorations, military and civilian education level.
Lists or compilations of unit or office addresses or telephone numbers of military personnel are not released where the requester’s primary purpose in seeking this information is to use it for commercial solicitation.
Civilian Employees:
Name and present and past position titles, grades, salaries, and duty stations that include office or duty telephone numbers.
Disclosure of information in (1) above will not be made when the request is a list of present or past position titles, grades, salaries and / or duty stations. Refer to Army Regulation 340-21 for guidance.
Prepare your request
The request must include valid form of identification such as a copy of a photo ID or driver’s license.
Include your full name and current address so we may mail your response.
Describe the record you are seeking in detail. Details may include information about the document; the specific System of Records Notice (SORN), including the System ID and System Name, where the records can be found; and the time frame to be searched.
Only the individual to whom the record pertains can request the records.
Sign your request. Your signature must be notarized or submitted via an unsworn declaration in accordance with 28 U.S.C. 1746, a law that permits statements to be made under penalty of perjury as a substitute for notarization.
If you are executing the unsworn declaration within the United States, its territories, possessions, or commonwealths, it must read as follows: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date). (Signature).”
If you are executing the unsworn declaration outside the United States, it must read as follows: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date). (Signature).”
Send your request via email or mail to address below:
ATTN: Privacy Manager
6400 St. Claude Ave.
New Orleans, La. 70117
Email: Ng.la.laarng.mbx.foia-pa-mailbox@army.mil
Office: 504-278-8713
Statement from the Disclosure Officials:
The Louisiana National Guard Disclosure Officials are ready to serve the State of Louisiana and all citizens of the United States. We will be glad to assist anyone and will do our best to honor all FOIA / PA requests within the regulatory guidance and guidelines given us from the Federal Government.
6400 St. Claude Ave.
New Orleans, La. 70117
Email: Ng.la.laarng.mbx.foia-pa-mailbox@army.mil
Office: 504-278-8713