By Staff Sgt. Noshoba Davis, Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs
PINEVILLE, La. – The Louisiana Army National Guard’s 18th Recruiting and Retention Battalion held its annual awards ceremony to recognize the state’s top recruiters at the Paragon Casino Resort in Marksville, Louisiana, Feb. 21.
During the ceremony, Brig. Gen. Michael Greer, the assistant adjutant general of Louisiana; Command Sgt. Maj. Clifford Ockman, Jr., command senior enlisted leader of Louisiana; Chief Warrant Officer 5 Robin Williams, command chief warrant officer of Louisiana; Col. Marc Prymek, 18th RRB commander; Command Sgt. Maj. Patrick Sandel Jr., 18th RRB senior enlisted leader; and other distinguished guests recognized recruiters that displayed a dedication to the organization and demonstrated a level of professionalism beyond those goals set by LANG’s recruiting and retention command.
Greer was the guest speaker for the ceremony and described the ‘big picture’ to the recruiters and how they fit into it.
Greer pointed out that there’s an additional requirement of $2.3 million for the Patriot Scholarship, which allows Louisiana Guardsmen to work towards undergraduate degrees, with an opportunity to graduate debt free. The scholarship covers mandatory fees towards an undergraduate degree at Louisiana public institutions of higher learning. Combined with the State Tuition Exemption Program for LANG Soldiers and Airmen, college students can attend school for free.
“You’re putting more Soldiers into these positions, and they’re taking advantage of those benefits,” said Greer.
Greer concluded, “Know that Maj. Gen. [Thomas] Friloux [the adjutant general of Louisiana] and I appreciate every effort and the professionalism with which you go about your mission. You have the health and the strength of the LANG on your shoulders, and we have every confidence in you. Keep up the fire and ‘Protect What Matters.’”
In striving to reach their best, these recruiters have helped increase the effectiveness of LANG units, their command and the entire organization.
“Our recruiters are successful because they are willing to go beyond the eight-hour workday and make a commitment to their communities and schools. This commitment to recruiting the ‘home team’ extends beyond just qualifying applicants,” said Prymek.
Between FY22 to FY24, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Ryan Martin’s dedication to the organization drastically decreased warrant officer vacancies and resulted in 12 warrant officer accessions. Martin was presented the Officer Strength Recruiter of the Year award, receiving the Meritorious Service Medal and saber.
Master Sgt. Casey Savana was presented the Section Chief of the Year award, receiving the Meritorious Service Medal and noncommissioned officer sword for distinguished performance and outstanding achievement.
During a board meeting conducted by leaders and peers, recruiters are judged in several categories, including recruiter and Soldier performance, under the Total Soldier Concept.
“These awards provide our top recruiters with recognition for exceeding their goals and give them validation that we, as their leadership, respect their work,” said Prymek. “That enthusiasm then extends to their peers by creating a friendly competition while sending a strong message on the importance of the recruiting mission to the LANG.”
For the second consecutive year, Staff Sgt. Andrea Rayburn was named Recruiter of the Year, receiving the Meritorious Service Medal and NCO sword. In addition to Recruiter of the Year, Rayburn was presented the Eagle Trophy for Top Production Recruiter in the State, winner of the Strength Maintenance Advisory Group Region V boards for the top recruiter and will compete at the Director of Strength Maintenance Awards Ceremony for the top recruiter in the Nation.
Rayburn achieved 47 enlistments in 2024.
Staff Sgt. Jonathan Rodriguez received the Retention NCO of the Year award, receiving the Meritorious Service Medal. While managing the 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, the largest brigade in the state, and the 61st Troop Command’s retention programs, Rodriguez’s efforts resulted in a retention rate of over 82% for the LANG during Fiscal Year 2024.
Receiving the Army Commendation Medal, Sgt. 1st Class Casey Zahn was named the Information System Specialist of the Year.
The ARCOM was presented to Sgt. 1st Class Rand Phillips, Recruit Sustainment Program NCO of the Year and Sgt. 1st Class Justin Smith, Drill Sergeant of the Year. Smith trained over 490 trainees at Detachment 1 and had a success rate of 97.5% for FY24.
Each year, the RRB hires new recruiters and during their first full year, these recruiters work diligently to meet their goals and achieve mission success. At the end of each year, the new recruiter with the best record is named “Rookie of the Year.” This year, receiving the Army Achievement Medal for a 1.92 write rate, Staff Sgt. J’lisha Holly won the title of Rookie of the Year.
Staff Sgt. Denise Duggan was named Support Staff of the Year, receiving the Army Achievement Medal; a plaque was presented to Mr. Mike Hardoin, MEPS Guidance Counselor of the Year.
The Louisiana Cross of Merit was presented to those recruiters with the highest percentage of enlistments: Master Sgt. Jaquinta Frank, Sgts. 1st Class Joseph Reagan, Ryan Reeves, Todd Prince, Jeremiah Thompson, Staff Sgts. Andrea Rayburn, Christian Knoll, Angelica Woods, Ediola Davis, Joseph Price, J’lisha Holly, Ricaya Jefferson, Ashonte Armstead, Jose Luna, Thomas Arsenaux, Ashley Reed, Mikayla Patterson, and Sgt. Gemini Jack. These recruiters achieved 130% or higher of their assigned mission during FY24.
In addition to the individual achievements in FY24, the 18th RRB enlisted over 1140 recruits, over 80 accessions: 62 basic-branch, 14 warrants and 17 specialty-branch. The RRB has consistently stayed in the top three states by written rate, and this is the fifth consecutive year with a retention rate above 80%.