La. Guardsmen earn top three awards during Basic Leader Course

By Spc. Duncan Foote, Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs Office

NEW ORLEANS – Camp Cook is home to the 1st Battalion Noncommissioned Officer Academy (BN NCOA), 199th Regiment (RTI-LA), and hosts a Multi-Component Cadre Basic Leader Course (MCC-BLC). This provides institutional training directed within the Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System.

BLC is the first course that junior-enlisted Soldiers attend to learn the fundamental leadership skills needed to lead a team as noncommissioned officers. BLC focuses on the six leader core competencies: readiness, leadership, training management, communication, operations and program management.

Three Louisiana National Guard Soldiers were recognized for their individual excellence during an official graduation ceremony on July 20 at Camp Cook in Ball, Louisiana. Spc. Roy Sisson of the 225th Engineer Brigade was named Honor Graduate. Spc. Travis Carrell of the 139th Regional Support Group was the Sexual Harassment/Response and Prevention Program (SHARP) Essay Winner. Spc. Jacob Voiselle of the 204th Theater Airfield Operations Group won the Iron Warrior Award.

“I’m delighted to extend my congratulations to these Soldiers on their recent accomplishments; job well done,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Sud Robertson, LANG’s senior enlisted advisor – Army. “Their work ethic, determination, and integrity will take them to better positions within the organization. Their accomplishments are not just a personal milestone but also a significant contribution to the Louisiana National Guard. These Soldiers have set the bar high, and their success will undoubtedly inspire and motivate others to strive for excellence.”

The honor graduate award is awarded to the Soldier with the second highest academic score.

“Spc. Sisson demonstrated superior academic achievement through the ‘Whole Soldier’ concept,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Marc Lua, commandant of 1st BN NCOA. “He displayed an exceptional learning capacity and the eagerness to progress in skill level. Only one Soldier per class is awarded this distinct honor of achieving the second highest overall academic average.”

The Army’s SHARP program exists so the Army can prevent sexual harassment and sexual assaults before they occur. Its goal is to eliminate sexual assaults and sexual harassment by creating a climate that respects the dignity of every member of the Army family.

“I’m very honored for the privilege to serve my country,” said Carrell. “I’m proud that the Army is making a concentrated effort to focus on its core values, in particular its SHARP program.”

The Iron Soldier award is given to the Soldier that scores the highest on the Army Combat Fitness Test. This displays the dedication that the Soldiers have in maintaining good physical condition. Voiselle scored a 584 out of a possible max score of 600.

“I train 4-6 times a week,” said Voiselle. “The small discipline throughout the week allows me to stay in shape. It feels great to accomplish this.”