La. Guard delivers water to senior care center in Tallulah

By Sgt. Noshoba Davis, Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs Office

PINEVILLE, La. – The Louisiana National Guard’s 199th Brigade Support Battalion, 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, delivered 4,000 gallons of water to the Olive Branch Senior Care Center in Tallulah, Jan. 24, at the request of the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.

The senior care center, home to 91 residents, lost water pressure due to the freezing temperatures last week which caused a critical system malfunction at the local water plant.

“Members of the 199th BSB are not strangers to supporting our communities and responding to emergency operations whether it’s a hurricane, flood or water delivery mission,” said Lt. Col. Marc Prymek, commander of the 199th. “We are a community based organization. Our Soldiers live and work in areas that our units serve.”

The water provided by the LANG allowed residents to stay at the center instead of being relocated until repairs are completed.

According to Paige Grady, administrator of Olive Branch Senior Care Center, the water is being used for food and drinking purposes.

“The town is under a boil advisory currently, and when we saw how our water pressure was going in and out we put in the request for the water,” said Grady. “We are extremely grateful for the timeliness of the Guard bringing the water to us and for the amount that they brought.”

For the Soldiers on the mission, it was a rewarding experience to be able to help.

“We join the Guard to help people,” said Staff Sgt. Casey Zahn, supply sergeant for the 199th. “I’m glad to be able to help the local communities. That’s our job and there’s nothing more rewarding than being able to help our communities when they are in need.”